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Tucson, Arizona, USA
August 13-18, 2023

23rd American Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy (ACCGE-23)
and 21st US Workshop on Organometallic Vapor Phase Epitaxy (OMVPE-21)
to be held in Tucson, Arizona, USA, August 13-18, 2023

Plenary Speakers
Zlatko Sitar
Jung Han
Yale University
Aleksander Ostrogorsky
Illinois Institute of Technology
Leo Schowalter
LJSchowalter LLC
Nagoya University, Japan
Greg Olsen
GHO Ventures
Special Symposium on
Tribute to Ken Jackson

Event Location

The Westin La Paloma Resort & Spa in Tucson, Arizona, USA
The meeting events will be held at The Westin La Paloma Resort & Spa, 3800 East Sunrise Drive, Tucson, Arizona 85718, 520-577-5873.
The cut-off date to make reservations at the group rate, July 17, 2023, has passed. Reservations are now subject to prevailing rates and availability. Reserve your room by calling the Westin La Paloma at 888-236-2427 or go to

Conference Sponsors
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